Itsy Bitsy Yoga®
BABY (3 weeks to pre-crawling with parent or caregiver)
TOTS (almost crawling to 24 months with parent or caregiver)
TYKES (almost 2 but less than 4.5 with a parent or caregiver)
Click here for Class Descriptions.
To sign up text/call 603-247-5263 or e-mail
BABY Itsy Bitsy Yoga® Class
At Nahar Yoga in Derry
SPRING 1 Dates: TBD Email if you are interested!
Cost: $100 per 5 week session. Pre-registration required.
Each additional sibling registered for the same class 50% off. Plus a one-time registration fee of $20 (covers the cost of the book). You will receive a copy of Helen Garabedian’s book to support your IBY practice at home.
CAN YOU HELP? We are currently looking for a location in the Greater Derry Area to hold our TOT & TYKE Itsy Bitsy Yoga® Classes. If you know of an affordable, clean, carpeted, easily childproofable, temperature controlled space, please let Arielle know! Thank you!
TOT Itsy Bitsy Yoga® Class
Location TBA
Dates: TBA
Cost: $100 per 5 week session. Pre-registration required.
Each additional sibling registered for the same class 50% off. Plus a one-time registration fee of $20 (covers the cost of the book). You will receive a copy of Helen Garabedian’s book to support your IBY practice at home.
TYKE Itsy Bitsy Yoga® Class
Location TBA
Dates: TBA
Cost: $100 per 5 week session. Pre-registration required.
Each additional sibling registered for the same class 50% off. Plus a one-time registration fee of $20 (covers the cost of the book). You will receive a copy of Helen Garabedian’s book to support your IBY practice at home.
BABY Itsy Bitsy Yoga® Class Three weeks to pre-crawling ~
A calming and nurturing yoga class where parents learn to help babies unfold their motor skills, sleep better, feel happier, and digest with ease. IBY is a great way to bond with your baby and meet like-minded parents in your community.
TOT Itsy Bitsy Yoga® Class Almost crawling to 24 months ~
A supportive, fun-loving and active yoga practice for busy tots. Continue bonding with your child as you help them feel comfortable in their moving body, develop self-confidence, and encourage their creative spirit. Experience the shared joy and delight when tots move into Yoga poses on their own!
TYKE Itsy Bitsy Yoga® Class Almost two but less than 4.5 ~
Tykes Itsy Bitsy Yoga combines unique toddler-friendly yoga poses with songs, stories, and games to create an enriching parent/child activity. Each class is personalized around tyke’s curiosities as they learn yoga through social interaction, repetition, and play. Tykes also learn how to relieve frustration, improve motor skills, and increase attention span by actively following directions. Help your tyke build the foundation for a healthy and fit lifestyle while having fun!
About the instructor:
Arielle Eckhaus Welch is a Baby, Tot & Tyke Certified Itsy Bitsy Yoga® Facilitator and has been teaching adult yoga since 2004. She practiced pre-natal yoga while she was pregnant with her children and since their births they have enjoyed doing Itsy Bitsy Yoga® together. Her son’s favorite IBY poses were Down Dog and Kicky Kicky Cobra in the tub when he was younger! Her daughter always loved “Butterfly!” and giggled every time she sniffed her feet. (read more about Arielle)
Itsy Bitsy Yoga® was developed by author, baby yoga expert, and Infant Developmental Movement Educator Helen Garabedian. She is the author of Itsy Bitsy Yoga: Poses to Help Your Baby Sleep Longer, Digest Better and Grow Stronger and Itsy Bitsy Yoga for Toddlers and Preschoolers: 8-Minute Routines to Help Your Child Grow Smarter, Be Happier, and Behave Better.
Itsy Bitsy Yoga® is a registered trademark of Spirit into Life, Inc.